Jelly Splash

Jelly Splash
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Publisher: Wooga
Reviewed On: iPhone
Cert: 4+
Available On: iPad,iPhone,iPod touch

Here goes: I predict you'll be hearing a lot about Jelly Splash and that it's just a matter of time before your Facebook wall is bombarded with friends' Jelly Splash news. This app game is beautifully presented and nicely packaged but, most importantly, fiendishly compulsive.

It follows a similar formula to behemoths such as Bejewelled and Candy Crush: swipe the screen to join like-coloured jellies and make them disappear. Sometimes your goal is a score threshold or you can be allocated specific jellies to get rid of.

The graphics are colourful and bright and the sound effects are both cute and gratifying and it plays marvellously.

You have limited moves but no time constraints, which makes it tense and tactical, but at a gentle pace. The dreaded micro- transactions hold it back: to get extra lives you have to wait 20 minutes, pay for them with cold hard cash or pester your friends on social media.